"eBook guide to Carlton Ware" is now available on Amazon as an eBook.
"Carlton Ware Patterns and Shapes" is now available on Amazon in printed form or as an eBook.
"Carlton Ware Catalogue & Price Guide" is now available on Amazon.
Take a preview of "The Secret of Netley Abbey" ... or buy it on Amazon.
"WOW, a new book on Carlton Ware that covers all Carlton Ware and has a price guide ..."
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"We received our books today safely and we are thrilled with them, it is stunning!!!
Mum said to tell you that she has been waiting 30 years for this book..."
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"Just a quick email to say the book has arrived safely, thanks.
It is truly splendid; a wonderful book and a real credit to you both for all the time and effort you have put in to it ..."
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"Your pocket book arrived yesterday ....couldn't put it down ! What a gem , ..."
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"Buy a book on Carlton Ware ..."
Buy a book on Carlton Ware
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Buy 45 Years, 45 Years in
Buy The Secret of Netley Abbey in
Buy The Secret of Netley Abbey in
ckyk publishing publish books, both Non-fiction and Fiction. The books on ceramic antiques specifically cover the wonderful
and beautiful Carlton Ware. The Non-fiction books include Children's books as well as mystery thrillers.
The Carlton Ware books are available in printed format from this web site, from Amazon and other outlets. Carlton Ware eBooks will be
available at some time in the future.
The Fiction books are available as eBooks or in printed format from Amazon.
Bob Dylan Art
The Drawn Blank Series by Bob Dylan including the iconic Train Tracks.
Ronnie Wood Art
Famous Flames and Stones on Stage by Ronnie Wood is an amazing collection of art.
A Pocket Guide to Carlton Ware - REDUCED PRICE
A pocket guide to Carlton Ware by Dr C & Y Kosniowski is a valuable and comprehensive source of information in an easy to use format. It will prove to be a very useful
reference tool and help you identify the many hundreds of pieces of Carlton Ware available. The compact size means it is ideal to take to
Antique Fairs, Auctions, Exhibitions, etc.
eBook guide to Carlton Ware
eBook guide to Carlton Ware by Dr C & Y Kosniowski provides a comprehensive guide to help identify Carlton Ware Patterns and shapes. This is an updated eBook version of the pocket guide and contains over 500 pictures. The eBook is available from
Amazon. It run on Kindles, PCs, Tablets, iPads, iPhones, Smart Phones, ...
Carlton Ware Catalogue & Price Guide
Carlton Ware Catalogue & Price Guide by Dr C & Y Kosniowski covers Carlton Ware from the 1930's onwards based on the impressed or shape
Carlton Ware - The Complete Guide (including Price Guide) |
Carlton Ware - The Complete Guide (including a Price Guide) by Dr C & Y Kosniowski is a compehensive Hard Cover book that covers all aspects of Carlton Ware.
Carlton Ware Patterns and Shapes |
Carlton Ware Patterns and Shapes by Dr C & Y Kosniowski provides a comprehensive list Carlton Ware Patterns and
shapes. The lists are numberic and alphabetic. No pictures are included. The book is available in printed format or as an eBook from
Amazon. The eBook will run on Kindles, PCs, iPads, iPhones, Smart Phones, ...
45 Years, 45 Years
45 Years, 45 Years by Charles Knightley After a 45 year absence two men are reunited.
They were best friends back in 1965, but things are different now.
Both have secrets which lead the police to investigate with unexpected results.
The Secret of Netley Abbey
The Secret of Netley Abbey by Charles & Yasmina Knightley Three children, pursued by treasure seekers, search for the secret of a 13th century ruin.
With ghostly goings-on and a government cover-up of alien artefacts..